In case you ever need to know the ideal Impreza tyre pressures (and correct tyre sizes) as recommended by Subaru themselves, check this out:

Impreza Tyre Pressures

Or spelt ‘Tire’ for our American cousins!

This is the sticker inside my 2003 Subaru Impreza STi with 17″ wheels, so it should apply to all Newage STi Impreza models. Even if it doesn’t, it will give you a nice base rate to work from.

The pressures are shown in kilo-pascals (kPa) and kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm2), but you can convert these to your preferred units with a simple Google search.

Personally, I’m a psi kind of guy (as is mostly standard here in the UK), and I use the following pressures on my Impreza. They do differ slightly than what Subaru recommend, but this seems to suit my car:

My Impreza Tyre Pressures

225/45/17 Tyres
Front: 36psi
Rear: 34psi

I’m not an expert though, and to be completely honest I can’t tell the difference in driving feel within a couple of psi either way. But feel free to experiment. A variety of factors can determine the best tyre pressures for your particular needs including the wheel size, tyre size, tyre manufacturer, weather conditions and even driving style.

So how about you? Comment below and let us know your preferred tyre pressures (and reasons) and hopefully we can help other Impreza owners.